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Installing Docker

Before starting with the course, its necessary to install Docker for Windows, Linux or for Mac.

Bear in mind, for Windows Home the Docker-Toolbox is not really recommended. If you want to use Docker, better use Docker Desktop for Windows Professional, or use it on Linux or Mac.

Previously, you had to have an account at Docker-Hub, which is, at the time of writing not necessary anymore. Although, there are severe limits on daily Image downloads. So, you might want to get an account on Docker-Hub anyways.

Install Docker Desktop for Windows, Mac or Linux

The easiest way to get started with Docker is to simply download it and follow the installer at Docker Install

Windows and WSL2

It is currently recommended to install Docker for WSL2. Most materials on use WSL2 nowadays. Some of the videos here in this Docker-Course are using PowerShell.

You can safely use WSL2 if you have it installed. All samples should work perfectly fine in an Ubuntu Distribution for example.

Once you have docker running on your system, get started in the next lecture with your first container!

Last update: May 29, 2022