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ERC721 with Physical Asset Shipping Part 1

A Project that explores how to ship real, physical products, which are connected to ERC721 NFTs.

In this part we are using the OpenZeppelin ERC721PresetMinterPauserAutoId.

In the next part we are reducing it to a more low-level functionality and discuss gas costs and potential savings, as well as the shipping module.

In the final part we are building a small Web3 UI around this.

Video Walkthrough


Beginning of 2021 we (the Team behind the Ethereum Blockchain Course) had an intriguing idea: What if we can auction tokens like traditional NFTs, but have a physical component to it? Project Aishtisi was born. This page contains the technical lessons learned and a full rundown of the Smart Contract architecture we're using for the project.


This is the lab you've been looking for if you want a tutorial style guide for ERC721 Smart Contracts which contain a Supply Chain component. All following industry best practices.

Real-World Use-Case for this Project

💸 ERC721 Token generation

🍾 Auction of Real World Items

📮 Understand the Supply Chain Component

🍷 Applicable for Oil, Wine, and all kinds of Commodities


🤔 Deep Dive Into ERC721 and MetaData

😎 Understand how tokens are auctioned on Opensea or Mintable

🤓 Understand the OpenZeppelin ERC721 Contracts

Let's get started!

Last update: March 28, 2022