Adding a Migration for the ERC721 Token¶
To deploy the contract we need a migrations file!
In the migrations folder create a new file "2_erc721.js" and insert the following content:
const Token = artifacts.require("MinimalERC721");
module.exports = function (deployer) {
Then open the truffle developer network and sample migrate the token!
truffle develop
then simply
Now you can interact with your token on a developer network!
let token = await MinimalERC721.deployed();
Then you could auto-complete by pressing the tab-key and see which functions are available:
You see that we have all the transfer and balance functionality - but there is nothing where we can actually mint a token.
We have a token, but so far you can't mint and you can't collect any royalties on any platform.
After this long prologue, let's go and add the first platform: OpenSea!